
Sixth Factor Academy

Welcome to the only executive business leader program of its kind...


Routinely described as career changing, Paradyne’s Sixth Factor Academy is unlike any leader development experience on earth. Bring the Academy to your team and watch transparency, reliance, accountability, and trust explode.

The Academy starts 60 days before you attend. We begin by conducting interviews and gathering feedback from those who you work closely with.

You, and a small group of executive peers from different companies, gather. Over 2 ½ days, expert facilitators guide you through the most amazing business leader development experience available. You are introduced to the tools your team will use to execute the Six Factors. Feedback from assessments, interviews, and 360s is revealed, as the related skills are explored and refined. Business simulations, experiential adventures, confidential peer coaching, and micro-learning follow-ups create a robust atmosphere for growth as a business leader.

Ninety days later, we get with you and your manager or a trusted peer to review a second round of feedback - but this time your team describes the differences they have seen in the business as a result of your Academy experience.

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The Six Factors

Factor #1 Strategy:
Know what you're trying to do, why, and how
Factor #2 People:
Organize your players around your strategy
Factor #3 Leadership:
Set expectations for yourself and your team
Factor #4 Network:
Capitalize on a broad network of relationships
Factor #5 Performance:
Tie everything directly to results
Factor #6 'Ohana':
The Magic

"The tools that Jon has gathered from high performing leaders and teams over the past twenty years were the highlight of the Academy for me, and I was able to begin using them immediately. It was like being coached by dozens of successful executives from across our industry. Our managers who have been through the program are now more engaged and empowered to develop their teams, drive performance, and improve the company."

- CEO, $2B US corporation